“BRCA in a DAY” is the term we have been using for the procedure performed by our interdisciplinary team that combines all the BRCA risk reduction surgery into a single operation. It is an option for some patients who are ready to have risk reduction surgery.
For most patients, a period of surveillance and monitoring may be best. For those who are ready to have preventative surgery, staged procedures can help manage the physical and emotional recovery after surgery. However, for a subgroup of patients combining all the steps in one operation may be the best option.
This includes:
1) risk reduction double mastectomy (removal of breast tissue)
2) risk reduction salpingo-oophorectomy (removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes)
3) breast reconstruction
For patients who choose to undergo a DIEP flap breast reconstruction, the removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes can be performed through the DIEP flap access incision, without the need for additional abdominal scars and without incurring a separate period of recovery.
To find out more or to understand if you are a candidate, please contact us.
Virtual Consults:
In Person Consults:
210 East 64th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10065
(212) 343-2011
#BRCA, #BRCA1, #BRCA2, #BRCAcenter, #BRCAinaDAY, #p53, #PALB2, #PTEN, #CHEK2, #ATM, #genetics, #genetictesting, #previvor, #breastcancer, #breastcancerawareness, #preventativemastectomy, #mastectomy, #doublemastectomy, #breastreconstruction, #DIEP, #DIEPflap, #breastimplants, #plasticsurgery, #breastsurgery, #breastsurgeon, #gynonc, #BSO, #rrBSO